Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşı
First Azerbaijani Edition / First Printing
Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Print run: 1,000
Publisher: Qanun
Publication Date: 9 October 2013
Translator: Fəxrəddin Ağazadə
Script: Latin
Cover Artwork: Rafael Qasım
Reprints Include: 2018
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-9952-26-577-4
Read: Potterglot - Azerbaijani Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)
Difficulty to acquire: 9/10
The first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in Azerbaijani was published by Tbilisi based publishing house Qanun Nəşriyyatı on 9 October 2013. While this was the first authorised translation in the language it appears there was an unauthorised edition published in 2011 and the copyright page of that edition indicates that it was produced by the same publishing house. If this is the case it wouldn’t be the only instance where an authorised translation was preceded by an unauthorised edition.
The true first edition of the authorised edition can be identified by looking at the copyright page. There is no reference to any later edition and the year will read 2013. For later printings the year of publication is referenced. Also, the first edition also states at the top that there were 1,000 copies printed in the first print run. A closer review of the copyright page also shows changed with the address of the publisher at the bottom. In the true first edition the address will read “Tbilisi pros., II Alatava 9” whereas in later editions it reads “Tbilisi pros., 76.” There was no change in the physical location of the publisher but the address changed. If the address reads as “Tbilisi 76” then the book is a reprint.
The unauthorised edition of Philosopher’s Stone in Azerbaijani was published in an edition of 500 copies by Qanun Nəşriyyatı. The book shows all the signs of being an unauthorised edition, the cover artwork has been appropriated from Drew Struzan’s Harry Potter movie poster and surrounded by a pink colour, the copyright page is very simplistic and doesn’t include any reference to Warner Brothers. There was also an unauthorised edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets produced and both books share the same ISBN.