Гары Потэр і філасофскі камень

First Belarusian Translation / First Printing

Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Print run: 2,000
Publisher: Januškevič (Minsk [now operating out of Poland])
Publication Date: 14 December 2019 (at 11:00am)
Translator: Алена Пятровіч (Alena Piatrovič)
Script: Cyrillic
Cover Artwork: Brian Selznick
Reprints Include: 2 (8 Feb-2025)
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-985-7210-35-0
Read: Potterglot - Belarusian Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)

Difficulty to acquire: 9/10