해리 포터와 마법사의 돌
Second Korean Translation / First Printing
Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Print run: unconfirmed
Publisher: Moonhak Soochup Publishing
Publication Date: 19 November 2019
Translator: 강동혁 (Donghyuk Kang)
Script: Hangul + Han
Cover Artwork: Johnny Duddle
Reprints Include: 7 (31 July 2020)
Binding: Hardback w/dust jacket
ISBN: 978-89-8392-773-6
Read: Potterglot - Korean Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)
Korean (Second Translation)
Difficulty to acquire: 9/10