Den Harry Potter an den Alchimistesteen

First Luxembourgish Edition / First Printing

Title: Harry Potter and the Alchemist’s Stone
Print run: 1,250
Publisher: Kairos Edition
Publication Date: November 2009
Translator: Florence Berg
Script: Latin
Cover Artwork: Thomas Taylor
Reprints Include: None
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-2-919771-01-1
Read: Potterglot - Luxembourgish Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)

Difficulty to acquire: 10/10

The Luxembourgish translation is one of the easiest translations for collectors to acquire. This is because the publisher, Kairos Editions still has the book available to acquire in paperback format on its website. That being said, however, the first printing of the first Luxembourgish edition, which appears in hardcover format, is one of the hardest for a translation collector to acquire. It’s not only extremely rare, but because a lot of people’s collection criteria is satisfied by the paperback editions, very few collectors are actively searching for a copy so they remain hidden away.

The book was first published in November 2009 in hardback format in an edition of 1,250 copies. All subsequent reprints and editions were in paperback so if you have a hardcover copy of the book you automatically know it’s a first printing of the first Luxembourgish edition. I have yet to come across a copy for sale on the open market although copies have traded privately.

The Luxembourgish translation uses the original Thomas Taylor artwork for the front cover—framed by a red boarder—and it was translated by Florence Berg. An audiobook version, narrated by Steve Karia was also released in 2019. There is a hardcover edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets also available in Luxembourgish.