Харри Поттер ба Шидэт Чулуу

First Mongolian Edition / First Printing

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Print run: 500
Publisher: Nepko Publishing
Publication Date: October 2009
Translator: Д. Батбаяр (D. Batbayar) and Д. Аюуш (D. Ayuush)
Script: Mongolian
Cover Artwork: Illustrators of ARU
Reprints Include: None
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-99929-61-18-6
Read: Potterglot - Mongolian Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)

Difficulty to acquire: 10/10

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published in Mongolia by Nepko Publishing (Ulaanbaatar) in October 2009 in a very limited edition of 500 copies in hardback—confirmed by the publisher. Copies of this book—as with the other editions from Mongolia—which have appeared for sale are nearly always in terrible condition, they’re almost always missing their dust jacket and many have come apart at the spine or have been taped back together. This suggests the books aren’t stored properly or looked after as collectable items in Mongolia. This makes copies in fine or near fine condition exceptionally scarce. Nepko also published Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in 2011 (500 copies) and reprinted both titles in paperback in 2014. The true first Mongolian translation is among the hardest translations to acquire. There was also 500 copies of the first paperback edition printed in 2014—confirmed by the publisher. I have two copies of the book in my collection, one is the publishers copy signed by Mr Baabar and Mr Tsenddoo, the founders of Nepko Publishing and famous writers in Mongolia.

There was a fan translation of the first two Harry Potter books published in Mongolia. These were first produced and published on fan forums online so that others who didn’t have access to the book could enjoy the series.