Harry Potter e la pèira filosofau
First Occitan Edition / First Printing
Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Print run: 148
Publisher: Per Noste edicions
Publication Date: 31 September 2009
Translator: Karina Richard Bòrdanava
Script: Latin
Cover Artwork: Kalou
Reprints Include: Reprinted on demand
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-2-86866-069-5
Read: Potterglot - Occitan Macroedition
Watch: The Potter Collector
Listen: Dialogue Alley (The Official Podcast of The Potter Collector)
Difficulty to acquire: 10/10
The first edition of the Occitan translation is the rarest confirmed translation of all the first editions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone with only 148 copies produced in the first print run. The book was published by Per Noste edicions on 31 September 2009 and is printed to demand, meaning that when one print comes close to being sold out another batch of copies are printed. According to the publisher, as of July 2023 they had printed 980 copies of Philosopher’s Stone and 380 copies of Chamber of Secrets. There was no change to copyright page or the internal text across print runs so there is no conclusive way to confirm if a particular copy is a first printing—there is a way to rule a particular copy out however. There are noticeable differences between the first printing and some later printings. The first printing is slightly thicker in size than later reprints and also taller (the artists name is partially cut off in later printings) indicating that thicker paper stock was used. If it could be shown that the paper stock was changed for the second print run then this would be a first edition point, however, the publisher doesn’t have accounting records detailing when these changes happened so there’s no way to confirm whether the change in paper stock happened at the second print run or a later print run. If the book is one of the thinner and smaller editions we know that it isn’t a first printing, if it is the thicker and taller variation it is an earlier printing.
The book was published to help develop the reading abilities of Occitan speaking teenagers. The cover artwork is unique to this edition and collectors have commented that it looks like a child’s drawing. Kalou, the original artist, was a friend of the publisher and she kept to her own style with no external input and was created on cardboard. Indeed, digital text can be seen behind parts of the paint.
The translation was done by an amateur, Karina Richard Bòrdanava. She was not a professional translator and her English is poor. She was a volunteer in an association where they could get the rights to translations for free and Per Noste was only working at the time with volunteers and one secretary. Karina received no payment for the translation, instead Per Noste gave her 20 copies of the first print run—obtaining one of these copies would be the only way to be confident the book is a first printing. A lot of these books were given away to her friends and family.